Work Teams

What is a Work Team?

A Work Team is a group of people who work together to accomplish a common goal in light of the mission of REACH - To catalyze and further unite the movement of gospel centered, reproductive sports, rec, and fitness ministries in local churches.

What is a Work Team Leader?

A Work Team leader is responsible for coordinating the work of that team to accomplish that common goal, including but not limited to scheduling regular meetings with the team (once a month or every 6 weeks), facilitating the conversation during meetings, and checking in on progress between meetings. They are also expected to attend the Work Team Leaders meeting (about once a quarter).

  • Propose an overall schedule and activities within that schedule, including main sessions, breakout sessions, free time, and meals.

    Interim leader: Bob Schindler

  • Communicate latest updates clearly to current REACH contacts and market REACH to regularly increase our contact base

    Leader: Brad Winter

  • Working towards a welcoming environment for REACH that translates into a community that reflects God’s kingdom and unifies its new participants

    Leader: Jenny Young

  • Focuses on connecting all REACH attendees throughout the year by means of virtual events and regional gatherings

  • Mentoring: Provide new SRF leaders with a mentor over the span of one year that can support an SR&F leader in being cared for and connected to the larger sports and fitness ministry landscape and challenge the leader in Gospel Centricity and their Work/Life Balance

    Leader: Patrick Sebesta

  • Recruit sponsors and oversee budget

    Leader: TBA

  • Item description

What is a Work Team Member?

A Work Team Member is a collaborator of the common goal (marketing, programming, etc.) who participates in meetings and commits to own a specific task or project that will further the movement of REACH.

What happens during a Work Team Meeting?

Meetings are meant to discuss progress that’s been made or that needs to be made. The meetings are a time to discuss ideas and delegate tasks to be done in between meetings. Meetings are also a time of fellowship within the team to share life updates and pray for one another.

Let’s join a work team!